On November 6, the title industry will again experience what has become the fastest growing title tech and cybersecurity conference in the nation. Title agents, underwriters, technology providers and cybersecurity experts will head to the J.W. Marriott in beautiful Las Vegas to experience the growing phenomenon that is TitleCON. They know they’ll win big in title tech and security content while enjoying a one-of-a-kind experience as well.

Here’s why you should be among them. But don’t wait – we’re committed to maintaining the intimate, interactive atmosphere attendees raved about last year, so we are only accepting a limited number of registrations!

Come to connect with peers, prospects, partners and clients

While the title industry already has several great title conferences on the agenda, we’ve been told time and again that the atmosphere around TitleCON is just…unique. In fact, you’ll soon hear more about that directly from them! They agree that not only was conversation flowing in the hallways and during the social events, but even in the exhibit halls and before, during and after sessions. Whether it’s old friends reconnecting; business people forging new relationships or just two title pros learning from each other, exchanging thoughts and experiences, you could say that TitleCON is one great big conversation, which is why many (if not most) past attendees are planning to join us again this year.

Come for the content

When we started TitleCON in 2022, our plan was to make this an industry-agnostic cybersecurity conference (that just happened to be produced by a title and lending-focused business). But what we quickly heard and realized was that the title industry is hungry for more information about cyber defense-related matters. And they want something beyond the introductory level. Our attendees don’t question whether or not they accept the reality and gravity of the growing cyber threat. They want to know, in practical, everyday terms, how they should be addressing it, what works and what’s on the horizon.

Oh, and TitleCON isn’t just about malware, fraud and security measures. This year, you’ll also hear about AI (and we won’t just be talking about Chat GPT…that’s been covered plenty elsewhere). You’ll hear about the value of building fintech Integrations via secure APIs. And you’ll get an update on the state of our industry from four of the most respected industry experts you’ll find at any national title conference.

Over the coming weeks and months, we’ll dive deeper into the many reasons we have so many returning guests. Just don’t wait to hear their stories to register. After all, actions speak louder than words. TitleCON is an event you don’t want to miss!