
Real advice and up to date information covering a wide range of IT topics directly from our team of experts at Premier One.

Qualia is regarded by some as one of the best title closing software platforms in the industry. It offers a digital platform …

The real estate world is complex. While efficiency is vital, accuracy is even more important. Over the years, technology and advanced software …

Businesses are driving towards automation – it’s one of the major engines of the future of how our world will look and …

The technology you use is constantly evolving. These changes are influencing the title industry and the tools that support it. As such, …

The title insurance industry continues to grow more and more, expanding at an average annual rate of 8.9% to $27.6 billion. Rates …

Across all industries, there is a growing trend toward cloud migration for business. A key reason is that cloud infrastructure has become …

On a daily basis the average person has to sign into more than a dozen apps. And while most understand that unique …

In the title insurance industry, accurate records and efficient processes are vital. As an operator in the space, you know that the …