A Comprehensive Guide to RamQuest for Title Companies

Forbes reports that 90% of companies are seeking tools to help streamline simple tasks. These involve managing piles of documents, handling complex closing processes, and staying on top of regulations. RamQuest is a powerful title production platform with both on-premise and SaaS options designed to streamline every aspect of the title and settlement processes – from automated document management to escrow workflows.

RamQuest understands that beyond needing a reliable title and settlement solution, title companies also benefit from expert experience.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll discuss how RamQuest can simplify your operations, improve security and compliance, and help you leverage expertise to your advantage.

  1. What Does RamQuest’s New Title Software Horizon Mean for the Industry?
  2. How Is Horizon Transforming the Future of the Title Industry? 
  3. What Are the Latest Updates on RamQuest’s Horizon?
  4. What Should I Know About RamQuest Support?
  5. What Does an IT Partner Offer to Ensure Reliability and Trust for My Title Company?

What Does RamQuest’s New Title Software Horizon Mean for the Industry?

Lengthy paperwork and manual processing have historically created bottlenecks in real estate closings. However, technological advancements like automated document management and digital transaction systems have revolutionized these procedures. According to a survey, 73% of IT leaders believe that automation results in 50% time savings. Additionally, 51% indicate that automation can reduce operational costs by 10% to 50%.

As part of this innovation, RamQuest introduces Horizon, a state-of-the-art SaaS title production system. This platform is designed to optimize the title closing process by enhancing the following:

  • Efficiency and Productivity: Horizon streamlines operations with customizable workflows and in-app integrations to reduce repetitive tasks.
  • Modern and Configurable Interface: Offers a tailored production environment to enhance the user experience and meet specific closing needs.
  • Advanced Security: Features multi-layered, state-of-the-art security measures to protect sensitive client information and ensure compliance with industry regulations.
  • Scalability: Easily scales to support business growth and accommodate title agencies of all sizes without compromising performance.

How Is Horizon Transforming the Future of the Title Industry?

Gone are the days of scribbled reminders on sticky notes. Traditional workflows that have long hindered title insurance companies are now evolving through technological innovations.

Horizon by RamQuest is designed to streamline outdated operations and tackle the most pressing challenges you face today. The software fosters collaboration and liberates your team from the drudgery of daily tasks. Here’s a closer look at the features:

  • Direct Data Entry Form: Streamlines data entry, significantly reducing time spent on duplicative tasks and minimizing errors.
  • WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) Form: Allows users to view a live preview of documents as they work.
  • Scalability: Adapts to the size of your business, utilizing Microsoft Azure Cloud™ to provide powerful tools for both small and large firms without heavy initial investments.
  • Automation of Workflows: Offers a strategic view of projects, enabling precise resource planning and automated adjustments to meet anticipated changes.

“When you build a culture on collaboration and set the expectation that information will be freely shared, people are able to understand, accept, and fuel powerful changes, instead of fearing or rebelling against change.”

Harvard Business Review

What Are the Latest Updates on RamQuest’s Horizon?

In a world where nearly half of title loans have some sort of security issue, it’s crucial for technology to stay ahead of potential vulnerabilities. Horizon by RamQuest leads with regular, targeted updates that enhance both security and operational efficiency. Horizon offers over 140 integrations to optimize workflows, an enhanced security framework with automated verification services (AVS), and a real-time dashboard for effective title transaction management.

To enhance our understanding and leadership perspective, we spoke with Lisa Dean, Project Manager at RamQuest. She demystifies some of the most pressing questions that title professionals have regarding Horizon, such as:

  • How does RamQuest’s Horizon approach integrations?
  • Is Horizon secure?
  • How does Horizon’s real-time dashboard work?
  • What type of support does Horizon offer?

What Should I Know About RamQuest Support?

As a trusted partner of RamQuest, Premier One offers reliable support for common questions surrounding the software. Our expertise is tailored to help you navigate and utilize RamQuest’s comprehensive suite effectively.

RamQuest’s title and settlement production software is designed specifically for the real estate title industry. It aims to automate and streamline essential aspects of the title and settlement process. Here’s how our support improves your experience:

  • End-to-End Escrow Workflows: We streamline your escrow processes to ensure efficiency and coherence at every stage of your operation.
  • Automation of Repetitive Closing Tasks: Our support helps you leverage RamQuest’s capabilities to automate routine tasks. Let’s reduce manual efforts and minimize the potential for errors.
  • Adherence to Title Regulatory Requirements: We help you stay updated and compliant with all relevant title regulations with RamQuest’s compliance-focused features.
  • Document Generation and Management: We offer support in mastering RamQuest’s document management tools, which are important for generating, storing, and retrieving documents efficiently.

RamQuest is an Elite Provider by the American Land Title Association (ALTA) since 2015, reflecting its reliability and quality. Premier One provides expert support to ensure that all users, whether new or experienced, can maximize the benefits of these sophisticated tools.

What Does an IT Partner Offer to Ensure Reliability and Trust for My Title Company?

An IT partner provides much more than technical support. They ensure your title company operates smoothly and securely by facing any challenges with advanced solutions. This involves swiftly addressing technical disruptions, planning for continuity, and adapting your infrastructure to complex compliance requirements.

In 2019, the law firm Brady & Kossofsky, experienced a disastrous on-premise fire nine years down their operation. This required urgent server rebuilds to maintain uninterrupted services involving sensitive data and demanding reliability and security. The firm experienced several software transition challenges during this period.

Premier One responded immediately and ensured that not a single one of the 200-300 daily closings were missed in this critical time. Beyond this, we provided tailored security solutions as the firm moved into the future.

The value of an IT partner like Premier One is demonstrated through proactive planning, rapid crisis response, and a dedication to continuity. We want our partners, like Brady & Kosofsky, to focus on their core business without the burden of IT concerns.

“The biggest thing for me is that I don’t have to worry about our IT anymore. If something happens, they call me with a plan, and within a day it’s resolved.”

Jamie Kosofsky, Founding Partner of Brady & Kosofsky

Premier One Is Your Reliable RamQuest Partner

As your trusted RamQuest partner, Premier One is dedicated to boosting your efficiency and security. Don’t let IT challenges slow you down. Contact us today to discover how we can help your title company with cutting-edge solutions and steadfast support. Let’s elevate your business together.

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