Horizon Unveiled: How it is Transforming the Title Industry’s Future

Outdated workflows. Manual entry. Sticky note reminders. Scribbled note-taking.

Sound familiar?

The constant battle with inefficiency is common knowledge among title professionals. Rigid workflows have long plagued title insurance companies – and the industry itself isn’t known for being fast to innovate.

As an industry that’s projected to be worth over 124 billion dollars by 2032, getting ahead of these bottlenecks may help you unlock a new level of profitability.

A tool just entered the market that can help you do just that. RamQuest has introduced Horizon, a groundbreaking SaaS title production system designed to cut through the chaos. Through its advanced approach, it not only improves the efficiency of your operations but addresses the most pressing pain points that you may currently experience.

This type of innovation can increase collaboration within your organization. Your team members are freed from many of the tedious day-to-day tasks. The result is improved efficiency within your title operations and a better,more powerful way of thinking among your team members and leaders.

“When you build a culture on collaboration and set the expectation that information will be freely shared, people are able to understand, accept, and fuel powerful changes, instead of fearing or rebelling against change.”

 Harvard Business Review

The Link Between Horizon and the Title Industry

At its core, Horizon offers a suite of features meticulously tailored to improve productivity and streamline your title operations. It offers a customizable, intuitive interface that fosters an environment of seamless management of title and escrow processes.

Horizon has the potential to shift the entire paradigm of how work is conducted within the title industry. Recognizing the essential role a production solution plays in your operation, Horizon offers a comprehensive system. It has powerful reporting tools, an intuitive real-time dashboard, a myriad of integrations, and direct customer support.

In selecting this SaaS platform,  your closing process may rapidly improve. 

“Customers report the workflow dashboard is a life saver. They no longer need sticky notes on their monitors!” 

Lisa Dean, Product Manager at RamQuest

How Horizon Addresses Specific Pain Points for Title Professionals

Horizon takes a unique approach to address the pain points of their users. Designed by title professionals for title professionals, it aims to be prepared and ready for whatever might happen.

For instance, RamQuest offers regular feedback sessions with users. Currently, they host quarterly sessions with focus groups. In those sessions, they directly listen to struggles and frustrations, and then build solutions around them. From a customer service perspective, it’s quite innovative.

Get a demo of RamQuest’s Horizon!

Here’s a closer look at how specific features within Horizon tackle these challenges.

  • Direct Data Entry Form: Horizon simplifies the data entry process, a common bottleneck for title professionals. By allowing a single point of data entry into the system, it reduces the time spent on duplicative manual entry, lowering the risk of errors and increasing overall productivity.

  • “What You See Is What You Get” (WYSIWYG) Form: This feature addresses the pain point of complex document preparation. Users can see a live preview of the final document while they’re working on it, supporting greater accuracy and reducing the need for revisions. This immediacy and clarity in document preparation can be a game-changer.
  • Scalability: Horizon’s ability to scale up or down based on user needs is helpful for title companies of varying sizes. For instance, by leveraging the Microsoft Azure Cloud™ in databases, Horizon provides a flexible solution that grows with the company. That means small firms have access to the same powerful tools as larger firms without the upfront investment in expensive infrastructure.
  • Automation of Workflows: The ability to have a bird’s eye view of a project means that you can prepare resources accordingly. You might see a weakness in one process or more growth expected in another, and you can automate your resources to be prepared.
  • Continuous Innovation: Since its launch at the ALTA One conference this past October, Horizon has demonstrated a commitment to continuous improvement and adaptation. This approach ensures that the platform remains responsive to the evolving needs of the title industry. It continually delivers new features and enhancements that address user feedback and changing market demands.

“There is an entire session dedicated just to ideas. We let our customers not only feed ideas to us, but feed ideas to us in the presence of other customers who can then build on the idea. It’s a collaboration effort. We are really looking to meet those customer needs and what helps their business process.”

Lisa Dean, Product Manager at RamQuest

Looking Ahead: Horizon’s Roadmap to the Future

With the launch of Horizon, RamQuest has introduced a new platform that may potentially lead to a complete industry shift. The evolution goes beyond easing daily tasks. Instead, it’s helping build a culture of efficiency and scalability. It can help title professionals focus on productive goals, utilizing time that might have been spent on tedious tasks.

With the Horizon team and Premier One as your trusted resources, we’ll help you leverage this innovative SaaS platform. Interested? Learn more about Horizon today!

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